Post your photos of people raging on the R2D group wall or in-game for others to look at and laugh.
This page was made by Xerixa and inspired + sponsored by Love and Krieg.
Ragequit ^_^ (added by flypole)
As he was a tank and he threw a boulder at me i jumped above it then he called me a hacker for not dying :P
Someone Raged Because He/She Fell But No One Pushed So He/She Called Everyone A Pusher gg.
Everyone said 'Tank buyer' and kick him!
Someone Got Pushed And Rages So Badly That Even Reports The Game..
The rage of some who was that close, but died.
this isn't r2d but its still pretty funny cx
pointless rager raging...
the only time i admit i lost my ####
After the round finished, there were many people who got chests but him. I was spectating and saw one of my planks kept the chest stuck in mid-air.
Stop with da swearing .-.
one of the rare times place almost raged
Noahbaata41 swear level: 9001
No camping? RAGER CONFIRMED!!!
The Rager Behind The Mask ??? - Uploaded by kornloveroblox
The little RAGER returns.
I know teamwork is a big factor but... You are insane, brony.
Handiwork of krieg. Shoving people into lava.
At first they ate lava, now this. >Totally not my fault.kehe
2 Rager in a row! HOW NICE!!
Obby fail + very annoying kid = RAGE
One little rager though i bought 7 bats (WHO BUYS 7 BATS ANYWAY?)
Well someone blames the economy.
Not really as raging as the others in here but OP is angry after meeting criticism for the first time in her pathetic life.
Look to the corner someone complains about a tank buy (By:Bluepizzaboy)
Typical rage for badwiz on Plumpkin
So I've been accused of hacking for something that happened 2 rounds ago.
He's still raging about that round. Irony that he can't tell the difference between a hunter and a tank.
Raging after getting killed by smokers :^)
>Meanwhile, in the comments
And on the group wall. Scrub angry after being called out for trying to talk smack about zihakre
Credit to John Roblox for this one, just screencapped from his video.
Rager cause he died by a zombie.
He's raging cuz I kept killing him as a hunter xD
The classic empty chest rage.
He mega rage when he dead by fireball after defeat lord pumpkin.
This pleb was spawnkilled by a guy with a chainsaw
He raged after we called him out when he was trying to impersonate being a mod. He got so mad, he said he would get roblox mods to ban us. LMFAO.
Read text, scrub rages about dying from virus.
Tard raging at me after I rekt him with a chanisaw. Krieg vs tank, krieg won.
He is now swearing at me. Keep in mind this guy wanted to be a mod.
I just joined the game. .-.
He's going to kill me for this xD Love you PR
Kid Raging Because of him starting out has a Zombie XD
Lol noob raging for starting out as a zombie for campfire. xD
We got a kid raging about lord Pumpkin...again....for the 1,000th time now...
One user raged and threatened to report him because he rambo knife jumped.
He was raging because an turret throwed. him! LOL
bunybun was raging because diamond pushed him from the ladder e.e
Raging about dying from a tank.
Wow this guy hates himself! Because his chinalake blew him up e.e
send 4 help arin pls im scared arin stop pls
Zihakre raging that girls don't know how to play.
jesus tap dancing christ.
it's amazing how one server is full of this.
this one's personally my favourite. that reaction was priceless.
Swore because when he was running away from zombies in AntiVirus as last one, I rock-throwed at him and he died xD
people can be so rude, you know?
Im kill this guy and call me hacker and say he is a pro and blablabla -.-
I shot head 3 times and he dead :3
Elimination Respawning Rage
Snowballs are the way to go
Raging cuz he is always zombie xDDDDD
Its amazing what a kill with a Snowball after a Match can do Lol
When you get your pills, but have them stolen, lol
Lol he mad. the tank: LMFAO
Yay for 0 dollar rewards! Woot, I am so thankful for this new mode. I am so thankful that I am raging over it...
unleashed power rage (look chat)
Why are we even celebrating over empty chests?
Fozze said he needed revenge because I killed him. Now I need a barf bag.
He got angry because I killed him with my AK-47 and so he called me a hacker.
Get Rekt m9 (Open image 2 c ut)
Okay I don't care if you fall from me
Who says I'm hacking? I just found a bug...on mobile. Place, fix this plz
Raged after he was killed, via my minigun.
Just talking about being featured on the Wall of Rage, you kidding?
Since when does being a noob imply to killing someone in FFA?
Someone "pushed" him off the map
This noob was so mad because of a wall and he rage quit LOL
We Know Mr. Frost can be a Jerk, But you took it too Far
Today we defeat King Cake - WITH A 100 PERCENT CHANCE OF EMPTY CHESTS!
I was on Place's other Game (Planetary Combat) And this guy kept on raging cause I kept on killing him
Guy raged right after I smoked him to death, xD
when try giltchers win and say "HACKER"
The guy rage cuz he get killed by hunter XD
he got pushed out of king cake
(he was camping and when he got to the gift a rock hit him)
1 vs 1 me MMA Oilrig get rekt m8
i guess unclebaby is unclecrybaby xD
He got killed by me and rage c:
Raged and called me a hunter noob! XD
biggest scrub user in server 2015 contestant