R2D Wiki

Tank/charged tank attack suggestions : []

Upswing - makes the survivior fly into the air or get knocked off balance.

Wide spread - open arms (grabbing?) and charges at survivors, knocking them off balance (with stun)

Morality boost - Gives a small increase boost for the other zombies once spawned (attack,health,speed by 10)

Kill Scripts (cliffhanger) suggestions (HOW TO USE TEAMWORK IN R2D) :[]

I really like this idea, it really makes the game more fun in a way. (using teamwork)

(like the stupid farming map exploding helicopter in platypus, -_- )

Here is an example I had in mind.

Newbloxcoast = Elevator jams once reached onto the roof floor (doors are jammed)

If they stay inside the elevator for too long, like 2 minutes. The elevator will fall (killing all of them.)

Survivors must USE TEAMWORK to escape. Ex, With the following:

  • Click the door rapidly, need at least 3-5 survivors to "HELP" open the doors faster.
  • Break the elevator vent,then break a vent connected to the radio tower (somebody must give a boost to all the survivors climb up,then somebody must grab and help them up)

Btw, many scenario's with different maps could be the way for teamwork to EXIST in R2D!
