Dates are set as DD-MM-YY
Update v60 (05-02-2016)
Now you can buy VIP servers to play with your friends only!
Update v59 (24-04-2015)
-RELEASED Famas F1! -Added EPIC Twittercode (see my Twitter) -Fixed crossbow spam
Update v58 (14-04-2015)
-PRE-RELEASED Famas F1! -RELEASED Crossbow! -NEW MAP: Boathouse! -Fixed Pipebomb -Removed OpenFields
Update v57 (06-04-2015)
-Added Mounts! --Buy Bunny mount in Store>Robux --OR Win it by collecting 20 Bunny-point from winning on OpenFields -New map: OpenFields! -New item: ToySword! (Compatible with mounts) -New gamemodes: --NoMercy MMA --NoMercy FFA --CampfireChaos MMA -Added replenish ammo on Crossbow -Allowed Earbuds to use Music button too -Edited Clusternade apperance -Edited round start sound -Fixed healthkit items -Fixed Music Mobile Menu -Fixed Crossbow in FFA
Update v56 (26-03-2015)
-GAMEPAD SUPPORT ADDED! (Xbox 360 Controllers! -see Settings) -New CROSSBOW! -New mob: Stalker (!) -New map: Holdout -New map: Lay-By --Special new twist: High crawler probability! -New WinnerScreen (Thanks Corey!) -New Clusternade -New Menu Music (!) -New animated Title & Background Image in Menu -New and more efficient window animations in Menu -Added equip/unequip Earbuds (see Settings IF you got pass) -Edited Menu Title -Fixed Tazor dropping -Fixed ELI and INF on NewBloxcoast -Fixed reposition with flag -Fixed Spectator still having tools -Fixed Store showing empty when opend first time -Fixed Multiple tools equiped -Fixed intro animations
Update v55 (07-03-2015)
-Added NEW Mobile Store! -Edit Strawhat to resonable price -Fixed Tasing KC -Removed reposition for Hunters
Update v54 (26-02-2015)
RELEASED Katana (requires rank 12)! RELEASED Tazor (found in Items) RELEASED R2D Snowballs: -New map: ArcadeTown -New gamemode: ARC (Arcade) -Added Badge for clearing BuriedAlive on OBJ -Added Twitter REDEEM-CODE! -Fixed the Heli distance on BuriedAlive -Fixed AI's stealing flags in CTF and never going for objective -Fixed reposition during CTF -Fixed ELI Death Counter(?)
Update v53 (09-02-2015)
-New map: BuriedAlive -New weapon: Katana! -Otherstuff, I forgot to log this update.. :/
Bugfix v52b (27-01-2015)
-Added Ice Vest -Added new Twitter REDEEM-CODE -Fixed INF (?!?) -Fixed smoker killer badge (if you didn't get it at 8 kills, kill another smoker and you should get it now)
Update v52 (24-01-2015)
-Added Settings to Earbuds --Added Earbuds Hat setting -Added new REDEEM-CODE -Edit Earbuds Max Songs to 25! -Edit Earbuds Max Playlist to 7
Bugfix v51c (22-01-2015)
-New Twitter Code -New loading error GUI (incase you got problem loading inventory) -Fixed Inventory loading issues -Fixed Smoker stuck after Grab
Bugfix v51b (20-01-2015)
-Added Edgar (Smoker) -Increased smoker spawns by 10% to helps the Questing -Fixed Edgars Head Hat (now you can wear it ingame) -Fixed Vest not giving correct HP -Fixed lagging Timer
Update v51a (19-01-2015)
-Added SnowGoggles for ROBLOX Scavenger Hunt -Added Quest for Edgars Head (Badge: Smoker Hunter, Reward: Hat) --The Quest progress saves even if you leave -Added Earbuds!! -Added new gamemode to Oilrig: MMA --3 times energy regen speed --Only free combat fights -Added Special tag to Oilrig-FFA, KingCake-BOSS,Oilrig-MMA and NewBloxcoast-SRV --Special maps can only be played every third round tops --NewBloxcoast-SRV is "special" because it's a 4 minute camping session and not much fighting -Added new command for all devs+ (say "warn messagehere") -Added new WinterGames menu background -Added new menu background music (very good!) -Added mobile icon to lobby (on mobile players ofc) -Added Twitter REDEEM-CODE option -Added countdown timer to Spectate mode -Improved Sniper damage (150HP/shot) -Set Custom Chat GUI as perm -Edited Recovery button (found in Settings now) -Edited zombie selection (100% Fair, you can get choosen twice in a row TOPS on full servers) -Edited Vote system (Special maps have 2 round cooldown time) -Edited Vote system (Can't revote a map if it's already been downvoted) -Fixed windows on DeadPlaza -Fixed ENRGY on Mobile devices -Fixed Guest image in lobby -Fixed mobile gun gui visibility -Fixed adm hidetag -Removed custom toolbar from Mobile Survivor Gui -Removed option of choosing mobile (it will be choosen automatically)
Update v50 (06-01-2015)
-Added mobile controls for special abilities to all mobs -Doubleclick as elemental to fire projectile -Added custom Chat gui (can be switched on LIVE) -Added Purchasable Zombies to Mobile GUI's -Added CountdownDisplay to mobile menus -Added Gamemode tag to CountdownDisplay -Readded normal music to jukebox at NewBloxcoast -Fixed the votescreen to be at the end of the chat -Fixed CountdownDisplay in menu not appearing -Fixed Elementals taking damage in fire -Fixed Mobile Survivor's GUI -Fixed Loadscreen Gamemode text on Mobile GUI's -Removed all hopperbins from zombies
Update v49a (04-01-2015)
-Fixed Subscribing on Kazoomkas
Update v49 (03-01-2015)
-NEW Map: DeadPlaza (Gamemodes: SRV and ELI ) -New Item: ENRGY Soda! -New Menu Background image -Added new theme music -Added facepalm emote (say /e face) -Fixed INF? No? Oh, Ok. -Fixed Minigun,Thompson & AK sound glitch -Removed Christmas outfits from zombies -Removed Kazoomkas from store -Removed PlaceWorks from being purchased and from being achived by quest
Update v48 (29-12-2014)
-NEW: Recovery page! Recover lost weapons,ranks and eventitems on your own risk. -Added: Kazoomkas (100$ Firework item) -Added: PlaceWork (Event item) obtain by: --Purchase in Robux tab: 45R$ Firework --Kill 10 Tanks in One gaming session -Fixed selfdamaging knife on FFA -Fixed Tankrock killing you by hitting rpg
Update v47 (26-12-2014)
-RELEASED: RPG-7! -New Item: EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse) -Improved RLR and Normal recovery -Fixed ThePort uncollideable grounds -Fixed FF and btools hacks -Confidential Security Update
Update v46 (24-12-2014)
-New GAMEMODE: FFA (Free For All, Survivor vs Survivior) BETA -New Event Weapon: Pewpew x1 (Secondary, from green package) -New Event item: Golden Ribbon (From golden package) -New Event vest: Christmas Vest (From blue package) -Added commands for all with tags (mods etc) say "showtag" to put your tag in leaderboards -Edited RPG-7 (20% damage on BOSS mobs instead of 10%) -Edited Rambo Knife (now you can run with knives) -Edited Vests (should give health more accurately, might not display right tho) -Fixed unexploding RPG Rockets -Fixed PTK in Portland -Removed Gatekeeper -Removed Gift spawns -Removed Hats from Elementals -Confidential security update
Update v45 (11-12-2014)
-PRE-RELEASED: RPG-7 -New mob: Elemental (press E to switch to ice) -New setting: TankMusic (disable in settings) -Added christmas outfits to Crawler, Smoker and Normal zombie -SafeBuy, will disable unReady during purchase to make sure you wont loose your stuff. -Confidential Security Update -Alot of other stuff but I dont remember since my computer brokedown and I lost the log :/
Update v44 (05-12-2014)
-New PRESENTS (Drops 1 per round, not on boss maps) --Presents can be opened AFTER the 23th of December yeilding exclusive ingame weapons/items --Rate of giftspawn: 50% Blue, 35% Gold, 15% Green -New Map: ToyFactory -New Background (Just in time for Christmas) -Rare easteregg added -Fixed Mobile disconnection problem -Fixed Objective GUI -Fixed ELI gamemode -Fixed Blockhead Freeze glitch -Removed buildingblocks on Outskirts
Update v43 (02-12-2014)
-NEW WEAPON: IceSledge (Win at Gatekeeper OR Buy in Stores) -New map: Gatekeeper -New BOSS: Mr Frost -New Zombie GUI for Mobiles -New Candycane item -Added Hidden button to spectator (Press 'H') -Good for recording videos -Added Optional Spectate camera (say spectate) for mods and above -Improved loadingscreen speed -Edit Flamethrower now defrost survivors who are frozen -Edit Flamethrower hurts Mr Frost 200HP per bullet -Fixed Zombies on SBF -Fixed Infection on INF
Update v42 (25-11-2014)
-Added gamemode: SBF (Snowball Fight, works on all snow maps) -Added ELI gamemode to Oilrig, Outskirts,Portland and NoMercy -Added totally NEW spectator GUI! -New Snow version of Campfire Chaos, NewBloxcoast, DeadVacation and Portland -New MOBILE Version (see settings) --Mobile Menu --Mobile Loading Game --Mobile Survivor Interface --NOTE: Mobile controls for zombies is to be added next. -New menu background -New menu title -New Buy cash images -Edited version label (to show AFTER fading into menu) -Edited Objective GUI -Edited LoadingGame GUI (actually improves loadspeed for some wierd reason :P)
Bugfix v41c (16-11-2014)
-Added loadingbar to the loadingscreen -Fixed pumpkinbomb
Bugfix v41b (14-11-2014)
-Added new loading screen (Replace's roblox standard loadingscreen) -Fixed ALL connecting issues
Update v41 (08-11-2014)
-RELEASED SPAS-12! -Remade the spawnsystem (less camping, more action) -Difficulties now depend on amount of initial zombies: easy 1, medium 3, hard 4, extreme 6. -Raised maximum reward to 500$ -Edited Applause sound (added to music, can be muted) -Edited Explosion sounds, now play in 3D -Edited Pipebomb, now sticks to ground if idle -Edited vote guis to fit the new roblox chatbox -Fixed Hovering turrets -Fixed Tank rock breaking at launch -Fixed Chinalakes frozen animation -Fixed Cavebat landing -Fixed Turrets blocking plane on Campfire -Fixed Cavebats stealing flag on ThePort -Removed Initial applause and explosion sounds when entering -Removed Zombies halloween outfit -Removed Smoker halloween outfit -Removed Boomer halloween outfit
Update v40 (01-11-2014)
-RELEASED Chainsaw! -Added NEW Map: Oilrig -Added 20$ Reward for killing Cavebats -Added Gamemode Gui to all screens -Edited inventory gui: divided into Weapons & Items -Fixed Chainsaw drop -Fixed Chainsaw slash animation -Fixed NewBloxcoast heli -Fixed Cavebat sit glitch -Fixed Cavebat stealing the flag in CTF -Fixed Flamethrower "eternal flame" bug -Fixed CTF gamemodeGui glitch
Update v39 (24-10-2014)
-NEW Map: Outskirts -NEW Mob: Cavebats -Added INF gamemode to NewBloxcoast -Allowed Chainsaw to break windows -Fixed turrets breaking -Fixed chopper on NewBloxcoast -Fixed spawning with incorrect health -Fixed Minigun walkspeed glitch -Removed PlayerPoints from KingCake rewards -Removed Ammo from Chainsaw -Confidential Security Update
Bugfix v38 (16-10-2014)
-Added MORE ammo to Chainsaw (80/0) -Fixed KingCake chests reseting users items -Fixed energy bar glitch -Fixed incorrect rewards on the loading guis -Fixed incorrect difficulty on the loading guis
Update v37 (15-10-2014)
-Pre-Released: CHAINSAW! -Added emote: say /e sit -Added credits reward for LordPumpkin (1,000-1,500$) -Added vests to zombies, hunters and smokers (fireproof and standard avalible at random) -Fixed Vote map GUI, it now shows next map (if one has been selected) -Fixed SoulFetcher with infinite health -Fixed Boss mobs following pipebombs -Fixed HalloweenObby Chest cheat -Fixed spawn without proper camera view -Fixed return to menu will not set you to unready -Fixed zombie spawn on OBBY games -Disabled purchase of Van until Gates been opened at KingCake -Lowered bats energy usage per blow -Lowered crowbars energy useage per blow -Confidential security update
Bugfix v37 (14-10-2014)
-Added credits reward for LordPumpkin (1,000-1,500$) -Fixed Vote map GUI, it now shows next map (if one has been selected) -Fixed SoulFetcher with infinite health -Fixed Boss mobs following pipebombs -Fixed HalloweenObby Chest cheat -Disabled purchase of Van until Gates been opened at KingCake
Update v36 (11-10-2014)
-Added BOSS: LordPumpkin -Added Map: HalloweenObby -Added EventItem: Halloween Bomb -Added EventItem: HalloweenVest (50+HP, Fireproof,cost nothing) -Added Boomer Halloween Costume -Added Smoker Halloween Costume -Added Zombie Halloween Costume -Added return to menu key to Spectator GUI -Added "In Game" sign to Lobby -Fixed spawn of spectator camera on some levels -Fixed Zombie spawning during NoRespawn mode -Fixed Hammer inf planks glitch -Tweaked Turrets now damage everything that's breakable (not zbreakable, see wiki) -Removed loading Guests
Update v35 (04-10-2014)
-RELEASED Flamethrower! -Added Easteregg to NewBloxcoast (not hard to find :P) -Added emote (say /e insane) -Added Supporter Pass (inkl Duck) -Added NEW Gamemode: INF (Infection, VERY difficult) -Added HeadModerator tag in leaderboard -Replaced Double Exp image -Fixed Anti-Virus AIs on roof (AIs doesnt count as surviving zombie) -Fixed stupid air spawn again -Confidential Security Update
Bugfix v34 (24-09-2014)
-Fixed "free" gun hacking -Fixed firebreathers fire hurting AI's -Fixed tank music playing after pressing mute -Fixed Anti-Virus final objective -Fixed Anti-Virus C4 on screen
Bugfix v33b (23-09-2014)
-Removed Anti CE -Added 20+ and 30+ killstreak titles -Re-Added beloved Rambo Jump ;) -Optimized AI's animation (alittle glitchy tho) -Changed icons for M16, Uzi, Sniper and Shotgun -Changed Credits for survivors (it shows TOTAL amount of earned credits per killstreak) -Fixed Bat -Fixed Baseball hoverings -Fixed Subway winscreen -Fixed Planks button in LIVE Store -Fixed Zombies doing damage by hitting your bullets -Fixed "Trash" folder disappearing, causing alot of bugs -Fixed Flamethrower ammo text in Store -Improved Pipebomb effect on AI zombies -Confidential security updated
Bugfix v33a (19-09-2014)
-Removed Anti CE -Added 20+ and 30+ killstreak titles -Re-Added beloved Rambo Jump ;) -Optimized AI's animation (alittle glitchy tho) -Changed icons for M16, Uzi, Sniper and Shotgun -Changed Credits for survivors (it shows TOTAL amount of earned credits per killstreak) -Fixed Bat -Fixed Baseball hoverings -Confidential security updated
Bugfix v33 (19-09-2014)
-Removed Anti CE -Added 20+ and 30+ killstreak titles -Changed icons for M16, Uzi, Sniper and Shotgun -Changed Credits for survivers (it shows TOTAL amount of earned credits per killstreak) -Fixed Bat -Fixed Baseball hoverings -Confidential security updated
Update v32 (18-09-2014)
-Added Flamethrower -Added NPC (AI-Pathfinding) Zombies -Added Run ability (shift when not holding anything) -Added 2 more theme tunes -Added New Menu background -Added New Menu Title -Big moderation update -Increased Bat strength -Fixed Leaderboard: replaces capital I with lower i, to make sure no one its fooled. -Changed Energy bar (appear only while regening) -Fixed Toolname's Textsize adjusts in Store to fit box
Bugfix v31 (27-08-2014)
-Enabled climbing tower on ThePort -Removed invisible floors on ThePort -Added theme music to all escapes -NOW Fixed connection issues -Made tank screams 3D (less loud) -Fixed purchase vest disconnection -Added fixgui command (works on spectator, survivor and loadingstats)
Update v30 (26-08-2014)
-Addded BOSS: King Cake -Added Chest reward for boss (win Items, playerpoints OR cash) -MAJOR sound remake (no overlapping) -Theme songs -Remade the Spectator GUI -Fixed guns shoving tanks -Fixed knife zombie glitch -Patched credits hack
Update v29 (16-08-2014)
-NEW MAP: ThePort -New gamemode: Elimination (ELI) -Adde CTF,SRV and ELI to The Port -Added new type of items: Event items -Added Event item: Firework 8 Million (Read Wiki on how to achieve it) -Added Cake command -Added new Menu Background -Added Increased Moderation Security -Winnerpoints are now manually adjustable to maximize PlayerPoint Usage -Edited: AK-47 Texture (cleaner version Thanks to: darthkrait12) -Edited: Chinalake explosion (same as grenade now) -Fixed: Reposition while sitting is disabled -Fixed: Dissapearing rescues -All banned by Vajex is automatically unbanned once rejoining -Removed Trash from NewBloxcoasts
Update v28 (09-08-2014)
-Fixed AK47 animation glitch -Fixed mega playerpoint bug -Fixed halfempty groups -Increased C4 Crawlers explosion range with 2 studs -Made it easier for crawlers to climb Truss parts
Update v27 (07-08-2014)
-NEW MAP: Sewers -Added AK47 -Added Gamemodes -Added CTF to Portland -Added CTF to Blackfield Station -Added CTF to CavedIn -Added final ranks -Added timer to PTK and Survival on Portland -Added Group box to leaderboard (click to view group name) -Fixed gate in Portland -Fixed Double Exp Friday GUI (wont show timelimit) -Fixed Zombies "spawn" in middle of map until loaded -Changed firebreathers fire now damage objects -Replaced CavedIn rescue boat -Nerfed Turret (50 ammo, use wrench to reload and repair, cost 180$)
Update v26 (27-07-2014)
-Added Turret (LIVE Store) -Fixed Van Friendly Fire -Increased Tank break damage (3) -Added ban screens -Added release date to certain bans -Auto released falsely banned people -Added Ban profile editor for headmods/admins -Added Wrench
Update v25 (23-07-2014)
-Added groups -Added TV screen to Winstage -Released Rambo Knife -Added damage to tank boulder peices (and fall) -Removed Hector -Added Trash to NewBloxcoast -Added more seats in NewBloxcoast heli -Added mod commands
Update v24 (03-07-2014)
-Added Rambo Knife Pre-Released -Added new map: Portland -Added mute button -Remade New Bloxcoast (oh its epic!) -Moved vote animations -New menu music -Fixed leaderboard for maxranked people -Redone saving system (faster, safer) -Much survallience added -Van got HP, can explode -Van seats works -Military vest got Blastresistance -PTK = Protect The King (only in Portland) -Fixed tommy gun breaking
Bugfix v23 (17-06-2014)
NOTE: Store (Primary & Secondary) is broken in v22. There are a few v23 servers up running you can buy your weapons there then rejoin any server and still have your new bought weapon.
Bugfix v22 (17-06-2014)
-Fixed loading glitch -Optimized loading speed. Takes effect 2nd time you log in. -Fixed Double Exp time and display. Got possebility to "recover" a player if things are lost in this update. Just contact me. False reports = Ban.
Bugfix v21 (16-06-2014)
-All BANNED have been unbanned. -Ready glitch fixed -Vote kick cant ban NOTE: Old v20 servers are not closed so join the new servers if you're banned in v20.
Update v20 (30-05-2014)
HUGE UPDATE: -Vote map -3 New maps -Buy cash -Ranks and Experience -Loads of new weapons -Buy Double Exp!
Alpha v1.1.9 (v19) (29-04-2014)
Update: -NEW toolbar -Random zombies visuals -Baseball bat energybar -Better and cheaper firebreather -More hackers banned. -Much bugfix.
Alpha v1.1.8 (v18) (28-04-2014)
HUGE UPDATE: -New map: No Mercy -New infected: Firebreather -Speedhacking disabled -Improved baseball bat -iPad/iPhone support (settings) -Improved tool visuals -Safer savesystem -Objective give rewards (not all) -Lots of hackers perm banned -Improved gascans welding + new animation -Changed pipebomb mesh -Lots of boring bugs fixed
Alpha v1.1.7 (v17) (Unknown)
*Update log currently lost*
Debug Alpha v1.1.6 (v16) (27-04-2014)
-Fairly safe.
Debug Alpha v1.1.5 (v15) (27-04-2014)
-Enter at own risk.
Alpha v1.1.4 (v14) (25-04-2014)
-Bat and M1 Garand
Alpha v1.1.3 (v13) (22-04-2014)
Alpha v1.1.1 (v11) (Unknown)
-Votekick -Save inventory setup?
Versions with lost or unknown log will not be listed.
Beta r1.0.72 (26-12-2012)
-Toy Factory
Alpha r1.1.77 (03-12-2012)