R2D Wiki
Ice Hammer
Ice Hammer
New hamma
The Ice Hammer is a hammer that is able to freeze and player controlled zombies. NPCs are not affected at all by this hammer.
Type of Item Secondary Weapon
Price 500R$
Dropped by Mr Frost


The Ice Hammer is the first weapon that is gained from a boss but not the first prize received. The first would be the Halloween Vest during the Halloween event. The Ice Hammer is able to freeze all zombies for a period of time. Forged from the coldest endothermic flame deep within the North Pole that was brought there when Santa first took residence. The Ice Hammer was manufactured for the elite gate watcher who was created from the finest arctic snow to stand guard over the gates to Santa's realm. Only the best gear was reserved for someone guarding such a important place.


Able to freeze all zombie except for AI
Has a "cooldown" after every click
First of it's kind to have a unique freezing ability
Doesn't take energy to swing it
Only obtainable during event, altho it's NOT an event item
As with any other weapon, it stays forever once you've got it