R2D Wiki
This page is for in-depth information about the game.

Weapons-1 Items-0 Armory Monsters-0
Weapons Items Armory Monsters
Survival at its finest. And toughest. Illegal or not, they are pretty sweet. Enhanced fitness for best survival. We forget sometimes to learn what we fight.

BadgeButton DoubleExpButton BlueTurretButton CashStackButton
Badges Boosters Breakable Cash
Mostly bragging rights to show to your friends. The guide to funding steroids and cheats. Everything has value, even things that break. Money that you steal from dead zombies.
PunchButton ControlButton DifficultyButton EmotesButton
Combat Controls Difficulty Emotes
The essential guide to the untapped arts. Much needed guide for the reminders in life. Let's be honest here, the apocalypse is always hard. We can silently express ourselves.
EventButton GamemodeButton GamepadButton GamepassButton
Events Gamemodes GamePad Devices Gamepasses
Kool and the Gang - Good Times. How the parallel universe occurs. Get with the times. Gamepads are the future. Cheats, but at least it's within your rights.
GroupButton GuiButton KillStreakButton ITSCOMINGHOME
Groups GUI Killstreaks Live Store
Social etiquette is key. Graphical user interface. Vital for those bragging rights. Spawn survival kits out of thin air.
MapsButton MobileButton GiftsButton RankButton
Maps Mobile Guide Presents Ranks
Appreciation to builders and nature. Little portable devices. Santa was very generous this year. With no social order, this is our hierarchy.
ThumbnailButton CodeButton SoundtrackButton EffectButton
Thumbnails Twitter Codes Soundtrack Status Effects
Pretty weird compound word in my opinion. R2D was doomed when we got a baseball as our gift. Lifts your mind from reality. Everything is effected. Actually affected.
UpdateButton VanButton VoteKickButton AttachmentsButton
Updates Vehicles Votekick Attachments
How the world evolves to adapt. Mobility is key in an apocalypse. Democracy votes you out. An obligation for the extreme.

These pages have not been brought up to standard yet

Easter Eggs
Secret things that will not change anything in your life.